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09 Feb 2025

How to Clean a Push Mower Deck

A clean push mower deck is essential for a number of reasons. First, it helps to ensure that your mower is running efficiently. When the deck is dirty, it can cause the mower to overheat and work harder than it needs to. Second, a clean deck helps to prevent the spread of disease. Grass clippings can harbor bacteria and other harmful organisms, so it is important to remove them from the deck regularly. Finally, a clean deck simply looks better. A well-maintained mower is a sign of pride and ownership.

24 Feb 2024

Mowing During Fire Season: How to Protect Your Property and Community

As fire season intensifies, the risks associated with even routine tasks like yard maintenance increase drastically. Mowing dry vegetation in areas prone to wildfires requires special precautions to protect yourself, your property, and the safety of your community. Understanding the risks and following these tips could be the difference between an uneventful chore and a devastating wildfire.